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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.

Curator's Featured Review
6/5 Stars. Amazing.
Compressed 14.50 MB of lua files that you have to download upon joining the server to around 1.94 MB (-86.63%)! Thanks Billy, this addon is amazing and works great. You never fail to amaze. <3 Clocked load in time reduction; Before - 2:49 -- After - 0:59
In short
⚡ Reduce server lag, improve load times & get more players with Billy's Lua file CDN! ⚡
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Uses third party DRM. The product author has marked that this product uses a third party DRM service, you might have restricted access to the product source code and/or require additional setup after purchase.

Product details
- Windows/Linux Server
- Firewall setup to allow outbound HTTP requests (ports 80, 443 and 8443)