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Curator's Featured Review
The most valuable & technologically detailed and complex DarkRP addon currently
Nowadays, It is difficult to find add-ons that truly stretch the meaning of the word: "Roleplay", instead of the hundreds of the DarkRP addons in servers today, most addons dull the roleplaying experience with cartoonish mechanics; the "Americanized/Capitalized" servers. You probably know these types of servers. However - this addon is not among those addons. Slawer seems to have created one of the most tantalizing addons for DarkRP, both in design & actualization; an addon that fully enables the roleplaying capabilities of the mayor to a true pinnacle of potential. The autonomy of the components in this addon is breathtaking & orgasmic; Examples include, the screen, with its 3D law interface; the television, with automatic updates, their models & reasons included, cycling through different wanted individuals; I could go on & on. These small things? They are simply huge for roleplay. ...I have reached the 1K character limit, so I conclude: 11 out of 10 stars.
In short
Give to the players of your DarkRP server the opportunity to play a job that is not used as much as it could be!
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- DarkRP